This short story is about a stubborn young lady who learns her lesson the hard way .Just like most young girls in this world , she wants the wealthiest and best looking men . She was very picky and she picked men by looks instead of personality and character . Her pickiness is shown by her refusal to listen the goat and the pig. She didn't even give them a chance to tell their story , she immediately rejected them .The narrator says that''he put very , very, very beautiful clothes .He decked himself in gold ''. This sentence shows that Tetiyette is more interested in the flashy things. As soon as the devil came and ask for her hand in marriage . She immediately accepted his offer because of his looks . Her mother told her that no men can be that handsome and she didn't listen .Her mother gave her instructions because of her suspicion of the man . As it turned out the mother was right , but she still decided to lie to her parents to protect her devil husband . After their marriage the devil was slowly eating the girl's body . The girl repeatedly cried out for help . The author turned part of the story into a poem . The girl ask her parents whom had worn her about the man . They refused because she had been told to not marry this guy . When the devil was almost through eating her whole body , the girl ask her brother for help . She was his only sister and loosing her to the devil would be really harsh on him . So he decided to answer the sister's call and kill the devil. The author shows sense of pity in the little brother because after everyone else refused to help her , he was there for her.Most of the time the people who brought you into this world would never try to push you into the wrong direction . If she would've took her mother's advice , she would never have been in that position . Our environment can have a big effect on our decision makings . Tetiyette got fouled by the the jewelry and gold and married the devil
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