about me

Image result for guinea flagMy name is sidiki kebe . I am a kid from the west side of Africa . I have been through a lot in my lifetime and its only turn me into a stronger person . Three  months after my birth , I was sent to a small country in Africa called guinea . I lived in a small village with my grand-parents . Once i started growing my grand-parents couldn't really control me anymore , so they sent me in the city called Conakry to live with my uncle and his wife . The wife was very abusive and she wouldn't even feed me sometimes . At the age of ten , I was forced to do task that grown men shouldn't even attempt . I had to wash clothes for strangers in the street , so that i could get some food money . By the age of twelve I was willing to do  anything to earn some cash . Nobody cared about me so I didn't care about myself . I would called my mom in America to let her known about my situation but she didn't have enough money for a flight ticket . One day a random guy in the streets gave me his phone number and asked me to call him . He said he could help me get off the streets . I met with this guy and he said that my face is very familiar . So he eventually told me that he was closed friends with my mom , and he recognized  me because I looked like her . I lived with him for a few months and also work for him . He eventually sent me back to my mom in 2015 . When i first arrived in the US , I dint't speak English and was cultured shock . I eventually adapted gradually and everyday I learn more stuff . That is a brief story about me and my life so far .

I am a very athletic person , i play football and i run track for my high school .I also play recreational soccer , basketball . I love boxing . My hobbits are playing video games , walking my dog and eating junk food.


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